"Better All the Time" by Carre (Armstrong) Gardner



Excerpt (3.4 MB)

Publisher's Note

Some content taken from BETTER ALL THE TIME, by Carre Armstrong Gardner. Copyright © 2015. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


Sephy Darling knows how to take care of everyone but herself. As "the fat Darling sister," she's learned to be comfortable in the background. When a friend's happiness causes her to take a hard look at her own life, Sephy decides it's time for a big change. But transforming the outside turns out to involve more inward metamorphosis--and courage--than she ever bargained for.

There's no doubt that when it comes to launching Copper Cove's new community arts program, Amy Darling is the woman for the job. She may be young, but she has the creativity, drive, and vision to get it done right. Unfortunately, nobody else seems willing to work as hard as she does, and the contractor who's renovating the arts center won't cooperate at all. Meanwhile, a Darling family wedding will test everyone's ability to get along. Move with the Darling sisters through heartbreak and triumph as each finds her own path into the freedom of being who God made her to be.



Publication Date



Christian fiction, families, sisters, self-perception


Tyndale House Publishers


Carol Stream, IL


Creative Writing | Fiction


Class of 1993

Better All the Time

Included in

Fiction Commons



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