Professional Writing and Information Design Capstone Projects

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Capstone Project

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The professional writing field is constantly changing. As technology and business develop and adapt to a changing world, the tasks and writing of professional writers must adapt as well. Professional writers no longer solely write reports or technical documentation; they can write blog posts, web content, memos, emails; they can design content and information for marketing or usability; and they can edit any form of content for the organization in which they work.

Not only do the types of writing change, but the variety expected from professional writers also changes. Some professional writers specialize in one form of writing, but most are expected to reproduce many forms of communication in their everyday workplaces. It is crucial that professional writers be flexible and adaptable.

However it can be challenging to be well versed in so many different forms of communication because elements from one form can overlap into another. In some situations, professional writers can even have difficulty determining what form their writing should take, and it is the job of the professional writer to discern the best possible way to communicate for the audience and situation.

Scholars suggest that rhetorical genres are an effective tool for modern professional writers. In this article, I use the rhetorical genre theory to demonstrate how genres can help professional writers choose the appropriate form of communication for any given workplace-writing situation when they consider their audience, context, and purpose. I also suggest how professional writers can use rhetorical genres to add value to their workplace.


Rhetorical genre theory, genre, genre theory, rhetoric, professional writing, professional writers, writers, workplace writing


Sandra Harner

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