History Capstone Research Papers

Document Type

Capstone Project

Program of Study


Presentation Date

Spring 4-23-2015


Nuclear Weapons START I New START Balance of Power U.S.


This paper examines the extent of which START I and New START achieved effective balance of power between the United States and Russia. It addresses the purpose, agreements and the impact of START I and New Start on the effectiveness in accomplishing global balance of power. This paper argues that while the original START I accomplished a global balance of power by equalizing reduction of nuclear arsenals in both countries, but that New START did not accomplish a long-term global balance of power. To best demonstrate this, “New START from Old Beginnings?” covers START I’s historical context, examine its actual treaty, assesses the reduction of nuclear arsenals and analyzes the extent of which it was effectively maintained. The same procedure is performed for New START before they are compared. The author provides a set of principles and solutions to guide U.S. nuclear weapon policy.


Dr. David Rich

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