"Review of <i>Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears</i> by Emily Gravett" by Michael Aho

Library Intern Book Reviews

Review of <i>Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears</i> by Emily Gravett

Review of Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears by Emily Gravett


Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers


New York, New York, United States of America

Date of Publication




Date of Review



Library and Information Science | Modern Literature


Children's literature, reviews


Overall, I found this book very enjoyable. The book is narrated by a mouse who describes his many fears while in the top margin the scientific name for the fear is listed. An example would be when the mouse says he’s scared of insects and spiders; the words “Entomophobia” and “Arachnophobia” and their meanings are listed. The book also includes spaces for young readers to write down their own fears. The book ends with a hilarious switch of how some people fear mice, thus emboldening the mouse at the end of the book. The drawings are well done with many entertaining diagrams and articles in the background for the more mature readers. Some look hand drawn while others are made to look like scrapbook pages with pictures and illustrations of his fears and possibilities. The color choice and the holes and missing corners in the pages make the reader feel as if he or she are living with the mouse and sharing in his fears. The book is well-crafted for the children to identify their fears and ends with a clever twist to make them hopefully realize that everyone has fears but can overcome them. As a whole, the book is entertaining and heart-warming book about fear without being frightening. Recommended. Reviewed by Michael Aho, Library Intern, Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio


Review of <i>Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears</i> by Emily Gravett

Catalog Record
