Rankin MacMillan’s Notes on Each Journal



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Journal Date



Notes on 1871 Diary Part I and Part II by Rankin MacMillan made in 1969

Jan. 29 - Martha states her opinion on Psalms & Hymns.

March 23 - Martha and children, Fred & Fannie, all sick with measles.

April 8 - Dan and Jane McMillan’s 25th anniversary. (They lived on farm next to James & Martha’s) (Look them up in McMillan Blue Bk. history)

May 6 - Started corn planting; finished on May 20.

May 19 - Started sheep shearing; finished June 10. 1000 sheep sheared.

July - Hay and wheat harvested.

August 19 - McMillan clan picnic in Haney’s woods.

Sept. - James showed sheep at Jamestown Fair; also at Clark County Fair at Springfield, and at Greene Co. Fair, Xenia.

Sept. 19 - Started cutting corn, put into shocks.

Oct. 5 - James and Martha take the train to Cincinnati to attend the Paris Exposition.

Nov. 3 - White washed the dining room and put the heating stove up for the winter.

Nov. 20 - made a year’s supply of soap. Also, dug a cistern at back of the house.

Nov. 23 - Sold 78 hogs at 4 cents a pound, average weight 330 lbs.

Dec. 4 - First good snow.

The children -

Fannie was 3 years old on Feb. 18, 1871

Fred was 1 year old on May 19, 1871

Digitization Date

September 9, 2015


University Archives

Archives Collection

Martha McMillan Journal Collection

Archives Accession Number


Archives Container Number


Archives Identification Number

RG 16/46


Martha McMillan, Cedarville, diaries, journals


Agriculture | Animal Sciences | Christianity | Civic and Community Engagement | Education | Family, Life Course, and Society


Notes compiled in 1969

Notes on the 1871 Journal

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About this Collection

The McMillan Journal Collection is an archive of the journals of Martha McMillan of Cedarville, Ohio, who maintained a daily journal from 1867 until her death in 1913.


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