Rankin MacMillan’s Notes on Each Journal



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Notes on the 1872 Diary - by Rankin MacMillan, February 1969 (Rankin is grandson of Martha & James)

Not much to record from this book–mostly a good picture of farm life.

This year, the children, Fannie & Fred were 4 and 2 years old.

On March 14th, a third child is born and named Harlan.

James had a large number of sheep, hogs, milk cows, chickens and bees. Crops were corn, wheat, hay, pumpkins, apples, potatoes. How many acres of his farm he had at this time, however I note that he did have sheep on pasture on four other farms besides this one, so he had several hundred head.

On Dec. 12. James’ mother (David McMillan’s widow and my great-grandmother) died. The funeral was held on Dec. 14. Martha records Rev. Morton’s funeral oration which is interesting to me. (See pages 180 - 181 - 182 - 183 - 184 - 185)

Digitization Date

September 18, 2015


University Archives

Archives Collection

Martha McMillan Journal Collection

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Archives Container Number


Archives Identification Number

RG 16/46


Martha McMillan, Cedarville, diaries, journals


Agriculture | Animal Sciences | Christianity | Civic and Community Engagement | Education | Family, Life Course, and Society


Notes compiled in February 1969.

Notes on the 1872 Journal

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About this Collection

The McMillan Journal Collection is an archive of the journals of Martha McMillan of Cedarville, Ohio, who maintained a daily journal from 1867 until her death in 1913.


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