"Family Research Council Fellow to Speak on Stem Cell Research" by Mark D. Weinstein

News Releases


The Center for Political Studies and Center for Bioethics at Cedarville University will host David Prentice, the senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council. Prentice will speak on "Stem Cell Politics: Saving vs. Destroying Lives" in the Dixon Ministry Center Room 152 at 7.pm. on Jan. 27.

“Stem cell research can be a difficult issue for Christians,” said Mark Caleb Smith, director of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville. “Depending on how it is performed, it can lead to the destruction of a human embryo, but it also has the potential to save human lives.”

Smith said that Prentice will be discussing various pieces of stem cell research legislation from a Christian perspective.

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Cedarville, Cedarville University, Stem Cell Politics, stem cell research, Center for Political Studies, Family Research Council, David Prentice, legislation, Christian perspective



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