"Cedarville Education Trending Toward 100% Career Placement" by Mark D. Weinstein

News Releases


Why do students attend college? They want to be prepared for a successful career. Their parents agree.

But in a very competitive world, college students are finding it increasingly difficult to secure their first job—even with high academic honors and substantial internship experience on their resumes.

So, why do students from Cedarville University gain a competitive advantage? For Jeff Reep, director of career services at Cedarville University, it comes down to two primary factors: students are excelling in an academic rigorous environment and the intentional focus of career preparation by the students as freshmen. The combination sets Cedarville students on a trajectory for success.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) recent survey of college graduates proves this point. According to the data released this week from a survey of 2013-14 alumni, 100 percent of graduates from 61 of Cedarville’s 77 majors were hired or accepted into graduate school immediately after graduation. Reep reported 76.8% of the alumni responded to the survey (NACE encourages colleges to get a minimum 65% survey response).

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Cedarville, Cedarville University, career placement, graduates, placement rate, graduate school



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