"Cedarville Awarded Best Model U.N. Team" by Mark D. Weinstein

News Releases


IMG_1233.JPG (2852 kB)
Cedarville University's Model U.N. team

IMG_1241 (1).JPG (2257 kB)
Cedarville University's Model U.N. team


For the first time in the history of the National Model United Nations (U.N.) conference, Cedarville University’s model U.N. team captured the highest award. The Cedarville team claimed the “Outstanding Delegation” award at the event held in New York March 29-April 2.

Cedarville has been attending this conference — known to be the highest level of intercollegiate Model United Nations competitions in the country — for five years. More than 3,000 students from 250-plus universities from across the nation and around the world participate. In addition to the team honor, six of Cedarville’s 16 students gained individual honors. The individual honors were divided up into three teams. Each team was to prepare a paper that focused on a topic specific to its committee. While every participant at the conference submits a paper, only the top submissions are recognized.

Publication Date



Cedarville, Cedarville University, National Model United Nations, Outstanding Delegation, conference, Model U.N.



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