"A Review Comparing the Most Beneficial Regimens of Cleansing an Umbili" by Caitlyn Seegers, Mary Burkholder et al.

Document Type

Poster Session

Publication Date



Childbirth, umbilical cord, omphalitis, neonates


This review was conducted because an umbilical cord infection is one of the leading causes of death in neonates. “Newborn cord care practices may directly contribute to infections, which account for a large proportion of the four million annual global neonatal deaths (Alam).” Previous studies have shown that there are multiple ways to care for an umbilical cord stub before detachment. Chemical and natural regimens have been proven to be significant in decreasing omphalitis in neonates. One of the most susceptible areas to bacterial colonization for a neonate is the umbilicus. The purpose of this study is to determine the most beneficial way to cleanse a neonatal umbilical cord before detachment.

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