"Emergency Contraceptive (EC) Use in Indigent Populations" by Ashley Benjamin, Kasandra Chambers et al.

Document Type

Poster Session

Publication Date


Research Advisor(s)

Miriam A. Ansong, Pharm.D.; Tracy R. Frame, Pharm.D.


contraceptives, indigent populations


The indigent population in America is defined as persons who do not have the financial means to support themselves and are below the federal/state poverty line. According to the 2010 United States Census, 13.8% of Americans are living below the poverty line. Indigent populations often rely on the help of others to provide for their basic needs, whether the help of family and friends or government support. Indigent women are disproportionately affected by unwanted, unplanned pregnancies. It is a continuous cycle that plagues families, often causing poverty and an increased dependence on the welfare system. In Medicaid-eligible populations, many women have reported inconsistency in taking their normal birth control after having their first child which may result in another unplanned and/or unwanted pregnancy. This has led to a push for contraceptive education, both routine and emergency, to be integrated in as many places as possible, including schools, doctors’ offices, women’s clinics, and pharmacies.

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