"Factors Influencing Emergency Contraception Use in Indigent Population" by Ashley Scherreik, Melissa Arnold et al.

P3 Research Seminar

Factors Influencing Emergency Contraception Use in Indigent Populations

Document Type

Student Research Paper

Presentation Date

Spring 3-24-2015



Introduction: Indigent women are disproportionately affected by unwanted, unplanned pregnancies. Studies have previously identified lack of knowledge about emergency contraception (EC) as a major deterrent from use. This study seeks to address three potential barriers to the use of emergency contraceptives in indigent populations: culture and religion, patient education, and cost.

Objectives: To determine the impact of culture and religion, patient education, and cost of EC use in the indigent population.

Methods: This study is as a cross-sectional observational study designed to explore and investigate relationships between indigent population and the use of EC. This design allows for the observation of stratified groups of subjects at a single point in time to draw conclusions about the population based on comparisons between strata. To be included in the study, participants will be: at least 14 years old, female, and fall below the federal poverty level. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are based upon the psychometric testing of the instruments utilized in this study. The study utilized both paper and electronic forms of the survey. All participants indicated informed consent before initiating the survey. No patient identifiers were reported; confidentiality was maintained throughout the study.

Results: Results are pending.


Emergency contraception, levonorgestrel, Plan B, Next Choice, indigent

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