Pharmacy Practice Faculty Publications

Using Web 2.0 to Create Quality Assurance (QA) Program for Drug Information Practice and Education

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Journal Title

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education





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Objectives: To Utilize Blogs to create social interactive QA program for DI pharmacists.

Method: Drug Information centers (DICs) that respond to clinical questions are charged to implement peer reviewed quality assurance (QA) programs for continuous improvement for their services. This can easily be achieved by fully staffed DICs however, it can be challenging for centers staffed by one person. Drug Information specialists are connected via the DI ListServe. In 2009, the question of interest on the ListServe focused on QA program for such centers. SUCOP DIC QA program was then shared to find interested individuals to form a QA group. The mission of the group was to perform peer assessment on completed clinical requests from such centers. The proposal called for sharing of completed clinical questions via electronic mail for peer assessment followed by teleconferencing for live discussion of assessments. Anticipated potential teleconferencing issues and possible electronic mail delays warranted the need to investigate an alternative approach. A comprehensive literature search was conducted in secondary literature sources and reputable internet sites with limited information on the topic. Web 2.0 applications, online social networks such as blogs, wikis, and Facebook were evaluated for their capabilities. Blogs was chosen to create this QA program.

Results: The online social interactive QA program is currently under development and details will be presented at the conference.

Implications: The use of this program will maximize the flexibility of peer assessment of clinical requests and ultimately enhance drug information education by encouraging student's participation on DI request assignment.


Web 2.0, quality assurance, drug information education, blogs, pharmacy practice
