Introduction to Public Health Posters

Death with Dignity
In the Death With Dignity (DWD) Act, a pharmacist is the one who dispenses the lethal dose of medicine to the patient who is ending their life. The Oregon Act states: “No health care provider shall be under any duty, whether by contract, by statute or by any other legal requirement to participate in the provision to a qualified patient of medication to end his or her life in a humane and dignified manner” (Schnabel & Schnabel, 2008). A pharmacist has the choice to not participate in the Death With Dignity Act by refusing to fill a prescription. According to the guidebook for health care professional for the DWD Act, a non-participating pharmacist has to inform the doctor right away if they are unable to fill the prescription. In the case of a participating pharmacist, they will fill the prescription like normal (Schnabel & Schnabel, 2008). If the pharmacist is giving the prescription they have to be very thorough in giving directions on how to properly store and dispose of the medicine in case it is not used because it is a lethal dose (Fass & Fass, 2011).