Science and Mathematics Faculty Patents

Method for Thermal Management Through Use of Ammonium Carbamate

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Publication Date


Patent Number

US 9677817 B1


Ammonium carbamate-based methods and systems for management of thermal loads, particularly low-quality, high-flux thermal loads. The increase in temperature in heat sensitive devices is mitigated by the endothermic decomposition of ammonium carbamate into carbon dioxide and ammonia gases. This process has an energy density an order of magnitude greater than conventional thermal management materials and is particularly useful for temperatures between 20° C. and 100° C. Systems incorporating ammonium carbamate may be controlled by regulating the fluid flow, overhead pressure, temperature, or combinations thereof.


Thermal management, ammonium carbamate


Publication number: US9677817 B1
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 13/778,685
Publication date: Jun 13, 2017
Filing date: Feb 27, 2013
Priority date: Feb 29, 2012
Inventors: Douglas S. Dudis, Joel E. Schmidt, Douglas J. Miller
Original Assignee: The United States of America as Represented by the Secretary of the Air Force
