"Father of the Bride" by Rebecca M. Baker, Robert Clements et al.

Theatre Productions


Caroline Francke

Performance Dates

October 1-11, 2015

Artistic Staff

Based on the novel by Edward Streeter

Director: Rebecca Baker

Set Designer: Bob Clements

Lighting Designers: Bob Clements and Megan Howell

Production Manager: Timothy Phipps

Costume Designer: Heather Barker

Dramaturgy Coordinator: Diane Conrad Merchant

Dramaturg: Sarah Trent


Father of the Bride, a romantic comedy set in the ‘50s, was later made into a movie with Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor. It all starts when Stanley Banks first hears that his daughter, Kay, is engaged. Everyone else is happy—they like Kay’s football-playing fiancé—but the news is a shock to Stanley. He struggles not only with the chaos of a growing guest list, and florists and furniture movers taking over the house, but with the realization that his little girl has grown up.




Cedarville, Ohio, United States of America


Acting | Other Theatre and Performance Studies | Performance Studies | Theatre and Performance Studies


Cedarville, Cedarville University, theatre, Father of the Bride



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Father of the Bride



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