Cedarville Stories Podcasts
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Mark Weinstein
Cedarville, podcasts
Cedarville University
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Cedarville University, "Season 6, Episode 10: Lauren, Landon, and Lucas Clark" (2022). Cedarville Stories Podcasts. 118.
The Clark quadruplets have been together their whole lives, attending the First Baptist Church in Mt. Washington, Kentucky, where their dad, Jason, is senior pastor. Minus one. All the Clark kids are at Cedarville except for Logan, who is pursuing his passion for aviation at Eastern Kentucky University.
It was the first time all four of them were not in the same place, and it was also the first of many transitions for these quads. Once Lauren, Landon, and Lucas arrived at Cedarville last fall, the transitions continued – new schedules, new routines, new and challenging courses, new friends, and new activities.
But for all the changes, Lauren, Lucas, and Landon are grateful for the preparation they received from their parents, who taught them how to be responsible – doing their own laundry, handling their own chores, managing their time – and how to stay connected amid life’s increasing demands. They share at least one meal a week, catch up with Logan on a video call regularly, and Landon and Lucas are currently taking Old Testament Literature together.
Each of them is discovering God’s plan for their lives: Lauren in business management, Landon in civil engineering, and Lucas in worship. Lauren and Landon are hoping to use their degrees to serve on the mission field, while Lucas wants to pour into the church.
Any one of these four special students would make a parent proud, but for Jason and Tina Clark, it’s four times the thanksgiving for all the Lord is doing in their children’s lives. And the Clark kids are grateful for how their parents loved them and prepared them for life and for a University where they can experience excellent career preparation and be encouraged and challenged in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
“For me right now in this current season of life, I’m seeking to give glory to God by putting off sin and putting off unrighteousness and pursuing godliness,” noted Lauren during the podcast. “I can’t think of a better place to do that than here at Cedarville in chapel and in classes and in the Word each and every day.”