Life in the Wild: Fighting for Faith in a Fallen World
School or Department
Biblical and Theological Studies
"Life sucks! What are you going to do about it?",
We see Jesus, we believe in Jesus and we wait for Jesus, yet still we suffer. This book offers real and rugged answers in life's dark places. Discover how to live with hope in a fallen world and be encouraged.
Walking through Genesis 3, Dan DeWitt shows us how we can look at this world realistically but without despairing, as we wait for God to keep his promise to bring us out of the wild and into his new creation. It's the contrast between Eden, where everything reflects God s perfection, and exile, where everything is spoiled by sin. The book helps us survive living in exile - Life in the Wild - until "the glorious day when God will welcome us home, out of the wild."
This book holds dark and light in balance. It shows how we are living with the effects of the fall (we are messed-up people living in a messed-up place) - but God's promise, made in Eden, serves as a beacon of light to guide our steps in this fallen world.
Bible, Christianity, fall of man, Genesis
Publication Date
The Good Book Company
Christianity | Practical Theology
About the Author
Dr. Dan DeWitt is from a small town in the middle of a cornfield in central Illinois. He was, however, close enough to the city of Springfield to manage to get a little culture. He came to faith in Christ at the age of 15. He always wanted to be an artist, but felt that serious Christians didn't bother with such trivialities. Reading a British author named G.K. Chesterton changed his mind. In addition to teaching and writing, he sometimes doodles. He feel that there's a time for an academic textbook and a time for a sketch book. His favorite author is C.S. Lewis, and he thinks yours should be, too. Dr. DeWitt spends most of his research and writing time at the intersection of faith and secularism.
Visit Dr. DeWitt's SelectedWorks page.
Recommended Citation
DeWitt, Dan, "Life in the Wild: Fighting for Faith in a Fallen World" (2018). Faculty Books. 199.