Volume 4 (1998)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Special Dedication
Dennis E. Wert
Robert E. Walsh
Technical Symposium Sessions
World View of Aquinas, Luther, and Calvin: Modern Message Theory and the Creation Model
Paul D. Ackerman
A Flood-Based Origin of Little River Canyon Near Ft. Payne, Alabama
Alfred Jerry Akridge
Complex Life Cycles in Heterophyid Trematodes: Structural and Developmental Design in the Ascocotyle Complex of Species
Mark H. Armitage
Discordant Potassium-Argon Model and Isochron "Ages" for Cardenas Basalt (Middle Proterozoic) and Associated Diabase of Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona
Steven A. Austin and Andrew A. Snelling
Conflict of Atomism and Creationism in History
David L. Bergman
Meteorites and a Young Earth
Robert H. Brown
What Happens to the Craniofacial Structure of Humans Who Live Past 100 Years? Neanderthal Similarities
John W. Cuozzo
A New Look at Genesis, Chapters 1-5: A Coherent Model of Natural and Biblical History
William M. Curtis
A New Look at Genesis, Chapters 6-11: A Coherent Model of Natural and Biblical History
William M. Curtis
Toward the Development of an Instrument for Measuring a Christian Creationist Worldview
Steve Deckard and Gregory M. Sobko
The Current State of Creation Astronomy
Danny R. Faulkner
Blotting Out and Breaking Up: Miscellaneous Hebrew Studies in Geocatastrophism
David M. Fouts and Kurt P. Wise
The Impact at the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary
Thomas Fritsche
The Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaur Scaphognathus Crassirostris: A Uving Fossil Until the 17th Century
John Goertzen
Potassium-Argon Derived 238U Fission Decay Constants and Consequenses for the Recent Creation Model
Arnold J, Guikema
Charcoal Bedding as a Tool for Stratigraphic Interpretation
Edmond W. Holroyd
Biblical Chronology and Egyptian History
James R. Honeyman
Use of History Dependent Material Models for Simulating Geophysical Events Related to the Bible
Mark F. Horstemeyer
Life, An Evidence for Creation
George T. Javor
The Two Natures of DNA: Conceptless Code and Conceptual Aliveness
David A. Kaufmann
Hierarchial Information Content, Unguistic Properties, and Protein-Binding Oligomers in Coding and NonCoding DNA Sequences
Dean H. Kenyon
Paleohydrology of the Cypress Hills Formation and Flaxville Gravel
Peter Klevberg and Michael J. Oard
A New Foundation for Modern Science
Charles W. Lucas and Joseph C. Lucas
Toward a Biblically Inerrant Chronology
Alan Montgomery
A Diluvial Interpretation of the Cypress Hills Formation, Flaxville Gravel, and Related Deposits
Michael J. Oard and Peter Klevberg
Comparing Origins Belief and Moral Views
Richard L. Overman
Man and Message Theory: The Social Implications
C. Diane Powell
The Flood in Genesis: What Does the Text Tell Geologists
Steven J. Robinson
Evidences for Rapid Formation and Failure of Pleistocene Lava Dams of the Western Grand Canyon, AZ.
Scott H. Rugg and Steven A. Austin
Submarine Flow and Slide Deposits in the Kingston Peak Formation, Kingston Range, Mojave Desert, CA: Evidence for Catastrophic Initiation of Noah's Flood
Roger Sigler and Van Wingerden
The Cause of Anomalous Potassium-Argon Ages for Recent Andesite Flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, and the Implications for Potassium-Argon Dating
Andrew A. Snelling
The Cooling of Thick Igneous Bodies on a Young Earth
Andrew A. Snelling and John Woodmorappe
A Paradox of Pregnancy: A Tribute to Design
Patricia Speck
Catastrophic Impact Bombardment Surrounding the Genesis Flood
Wayne R. Spencer
Geophysical Effects of Impacts During the Genesis Flood
Wayne R. Spencer
Sensitivity Studies on Vapor Canopy Temperature Profiles
Larry Vardiman and Karen Bousselot
Is Life Singularly Nested or Not?
Kurt P. Wise
A Compelling Creation: A Suggestion for a New Apologetic
Kurt P. Wise and Matthew S. Cooper
Hypercanes as a Cause of the 40-Day Global Flood Rainfall
John Woodmorappe