Journal Date
Journal Dimensions
7.75" x 9.75"
Number of Written Pages
Miscellaneous Items Found in This Journal
Organ dedication recital program
Program from the centennial observance of Graham's United Presbyterian Church
Digitization Date
February 19, 2016
University Archives
Archives Collection
Martha McMillan Journal Collection
Archives Container Number
Archives Identification Number
RG 16/46
Digitization Specifications
Scanner: Atiz BookDrive Mini
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T5i (2)
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/50 sec.
ISO speed: ISO-200
Exposure bias: 0 step
Focal length: 35 mm
Metering mode: Center Weighted Average
Flash mode: No flash, compulsory
Martha McMillan, Cedarville, diaries, journals
Agriculture | Animal Sciences | Christianity | Civic and Community Engagement | Education | Family, Life Course, and Society
Recommended Citation
McMillan, Martha Murdock, "1887 Journal" (1887). Journals. 35.

Included in
Agriculture Commons, Animal Sciences Commons, Christianity Commons, Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Education Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons
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