Martha McMillan Research Papers

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date



Martha McMillan, journal, Cedarville, history, community, transportation


Martha McMillan, a woman living in Cedarville, Ohio, in the late 19th century, lived a bustling life alongside her family and neighbors. Throughout her diaries, she often describes places to which she and/or others travel. This paper highlights the importance of travel to the McMillan family, and the modes of transportation the McMillans and others living in Cedarville during this time period used. Foot, horse and buggy, horseback, and railroad were all prominent forms of transportation. I will discuss each of these alongside instances where they are relevant to Martha. I cite both Martha’s Diary and historical research. In understanding the inner workings of transportation for the McMillans, one can better understand how they lived.

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About this Collection

The McMillan Journal Collection is an archive of the journals of Martha McMillan of Cedarville, Ohio, who maintained a daily journal from 1867 until her death in 1913.


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