News Releases
Studio25.JPG (4508 kB)
Cedarville alumni Jenn Zellers (L) and Elizabeth Patterson and stand outside of Bean's and Cream excited about their Studio 25 facility in Cedarville spring 2018.
Cedarville alumni Jenn Zellers (L) and Elizabeth Patterson and stand outside of Bean's and Cream excited about their Studio 25 facility in Cedarville spring 2018.
Last year, Elizabeth Patterson, a 2011 Cedarville University graduate, lived in a small apartment in Indiana where there was no room to do what she truly loved: create art. So she relocated back to the Miami Valley, where she will open an art business — Studio 25 — with her former college roommate, Jenn Zellers.
Publication Date
Cedarville, Cedarville University, alumni, art studio
Recommended Citation
Weinstein, Mark D., "Cedarville Alumni to Open Arts Studio in Cedarville" (2018). News Releases. 606.