Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Submissions from 2015
Perceptions of Marijuana Use Among Adolescents, Kofi Amoah, James Baffoe, Katherine Distel, Matt Madden, Jordan Thomas, and Insang Yang
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Herb-Drug Interaction of Andrographolide on the Pharmacokinetics of Carbamazepine in Rats, Elizabeth Aziz, Samuel Franklin, Ankit Pandav, Abigail Savino, Caleb Thompson, Caleb VanDyke, Ruth Choi, and Elisha R. Injeti
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Different Artificial Sweeteners and Their Effects on Endothelial Cell/Blood Vessel Health: Possible Implications for Ringing in the Ear, Morgan R. Bailey, Jessica A. Ward, Belinda O. Darkwah, Brandon L. Spears, Casey A. Nelson, Myriam E. Shaw Ojeda, and Rocco J. Rotello
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
College Student Awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Micah F. Bernard, Kale Hanavan, Vineeta Rao, Jacob Shaffer, Katherine Woodard, Dominic Yeboah, and Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Impact of a Flipped Classroom Compared to Lecture-Based Teaching on Achieving Course Outcomes, Victoria Bumgardner, Caleb Tang, Jasmine Gunti, Akwasi Appiah, and Melissa J. Beck
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Pharmacy Admissions: The Dating Game, Travis Mentch, Aaron Oliver, Joel Sanvee, Godfred Atta-Effa, Maame Debrah-Pinamang, Monica Saad, Aleda Chen, Stephanie M. Cailor, and Kate Ford
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Reducing Perineal Tears: The Effect of Pushing Methods and Length of 2nd Stage of Labor, Kristen A. Mohre, Jessica A. Wall, and Chien-Yueh Lee
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Systematic Review of the Cost-Effectiveness of Chemotherapy Regimens, Nicholas Rudy, Hannah Chittenden, David Fisher, Abigail Moon, Lia G. Hickinbotham, Emily Bruce, Eric Blizzard, Aleda Chen, and Chelsea Manion
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Submissions from 2014
A Measure of the Amount of Vitamin K Leached Out from Cooked Greens in Potlicker, Douglas Anderson, Kara Bobka, Matthew Johnson, Chelsea Manion, Samuel Tesfaye, Rebecca Widder, and Joshua Willoughby
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Assessing Student Empathy for Hemodialysis Patients, Stephanie M. Cailor, Logan Conkey, Laura K. Farleman, Rachel M. Wilcox, and Emily M. Laswell
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
GMO vs. Non-GMO: Comparing the Addictiveness of Corn in Rats, Aric Carroll, Sara L. Hill, Kelly A. Huston, Tyler Michael, Courtney Noll, Melissa J. Beck, and Ginger D. Cameron
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Assessing Patient Adherence and Satisfaction: Clinical Services Beyond the Pharmacy Counter, Thaddeus Franz, Bryan Feldmann, Colin J. Behm, Danielle Grear, and Jeremy Flikkema
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Medication Reconciliation of Medically-Complex Emergency Department Patients by Second-Year Professional Pharmacy Students, Lauren Haines, Neal S. Fox, Rachel Bull, Jeb Ballentine, and Zachary Jenkins
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Pharmaceutical Stability of Promethazine in IV Infusion Fluids, Josh Knoebel, Ruth Choi, Michael Kapraly, Brandon Kime, Kaysie J. Brittenham, Denise S. Simpson, Rebecca J. Gryka, and Samson Amos
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Community Education on MTM Services, Kristin Lessig, Lindsay Mailloux, Jacob Davis, Samantha Smolinski, Stephen Yeboah, Aleda M.H. Chen, Thaddeus T. Franz, Ginger D. Cameron, and Jenna Lawhead
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Azithromycin Use in Upper Respiratory Infection, Charles D. Snyder, Sarah Winey, Scarlet Lau, Ryley Uber, Mouhannad Saad, Rebecca Widder, and Douglas Anderson
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Submissions from 2013
Content Uniformity of Over-the-Counter Melatonin, Calvin Anderson, Lauren Callahan, Jacob Coleman, Yeseul Kim, Elizabeth C. Ledbetter, Rebecca Widder, and Melissa J. Beck
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Evaluating the Bioavailability of Carbamazepine Using a Novel SNEDDS Formulation, Jinwon Byun, Derrick L. Chapman, Rebecca A. Kyper, Gina M. Mattes, Zachary A. Wallace, and Elisha R. Injeti
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Pivotal Role of the Pharmacist in a Primary Care Office, Julie Cummings, Olumami O. Amaye, McKenzie Shenk, Cara Toms, Nathanael Smith, Thaddeus T. Franz, and Tracy R. Frame
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Efficacy of Marketing Strategy for REACH Vitamins, Jessica Davis, Jordan Long, Megan Buck, Paul Bicknell, and Melody L. Hartzler
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Natural Products as Therapeutic Agents in Cancer Treatment, Eric Huseman, Lauren P. Williams, Brittany Santee, Trevor Stump, Chelsae Ward, Rachel Kunze, Denise S. Simpson, and Samson Amos
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Access to Healthy Foods Across America, Aaron D. Le Poire, Ginger D. Cameron, Heather Evankow, Andrea Bashore, Jacob Farran, and Jesse Hickey
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Pharmacist Empathy in Smoking Cessation Counseling, Caleb Lyman, Megan McNicol, Maria Miller, Yevgeniy Solokha, Kelly J. Wright, and Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Effectiveness of Clinical Scenarios in Improving Student Interprofessional Skills and Attitudes, Ashley Peterson, Mike Pelyhes, Laura Cummings, Phillip L. Thornton, and Zachary N. Jenkins
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Impact of Free Health Screenings at Community Pharmacies on Diabetes, Anna M. Smith, Nicholas C. Daniels, Jessica E. Amtower, Jeniffer George, Jacques N. Allou, Jeb Ballentine, and Emily M. Laswell
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Development of a Novel Aspirin Suppository Formulation and Evaluation of the Acetylation of COX-1 Via a HT-29/Caco-2 Cell Absorption Assay Used to Detect the Absorption of Aspirin Formulated With Various Bases and Excipients, Tiffany J. Zehel, Danielle L. Eaton, Sarah A. Myers, Mallory J. Martin, Joseph D. Newman, Rocco J. Rotello, and Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Submissions from 2012
Improving Medication Safety in an Independent Community Pharmacy, Kacey Adams, Chris Nguyen, Tara Perkins, Laura Richardson, Heather Rose, and Jeffrey D. Lewis
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Health Literacy in Community Pharmacy, Sarah Anderson, Cassie Brownfield-Wilson, Kelly Madden, Lindsay Tarleton, Joe Zerka, and Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Asthma Knowledge, Adherence, and Administration Techniques in Hispanic Caregivers of Pediatrics, Joshua Arnold, Rachel Culp, Kyle Hultz, Benjamin Robertson, Jon Wilkie, Amy Wuobio, Marty L. Eng, and Kelly J. Hiteshew
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Student Influences in Choosing Pharmacy, Veronica Asomani-Amoah, Kingsley Njangnso, Lauren Petry, Colin Sprague, Molly Turner, Douglas C. Anderson, and Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Promoting Early Skin-to-Skin Contact and Its Effect on Breastfeeding, Jamie Atkins, Grace Frederick, and Ellen Lintemuth
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Sleep Hygiene In Hospitalized Adults, Anna Lynn Barulich, Kristy Rizzardi, and Kerith Sunden
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Emergency Contraceptive (EC) Use in Indigent Populations, Ashley Benjamin, Kasandra Chambers, Melissa McNicol, Amy Roy, Kurtis Schultz, April Yoakam, Miriam A. Ansong, and Tracy R. Frame
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Effects of Early Ambulation in Prevention and Treatment of VTE, Megan Bernstein, Sarah Dolce, and Brittany Smith
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Neuroprotective Effects of Therapeutic Hypothermia in Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients: A Systematic Review of the Evidence, Elisabeth Blair and Ashley Short
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Effectiveness of Music Therapy in the Pediatric Population, Megan Brewer and Jaclyn Lewis
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Pharmacogenomic and Protein Analysis of Human Lacrimal Fluid in Varying Age Groups, Jayson M. Brewin, Daniel C. James, Neil B. Klinger, Jenna G. Lawhead, Nathaniel J. Luce, Lindsay N. Florkey, and Rocco J. Rotello
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Breastfeeding Among Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Mothers Addicted to Narcotics, Landon Bundenthal
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Therapeutic Phlebotomy Related to Polycythemia Vera and Hemochromatosis, Dylan Cimo, Nathan Miller, and Emily Neal
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Review of Literature Regarding North American Parent’s Perceptions about the HPV Vaccine and the Effect They Have on Vaccine Uptake in Their Adolescent Daughters Ages 9 to 26, Francesca Couser and Jessica Dahnke
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Early vs. Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping, Jerilyn Cox, Kristen Givens, and Katie Grayton
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Risks Associated with Intramuscular Injections in the Dorsal Gluteal Site, Chelsea Craig and Joanna Huschilt
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Patient Hand-Off, Amy Cuddington and Olivia Johnson
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Comparison of the Effect of Intermittent and Continuous Infusion of Meropenem on the Prevalence of Nausea in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients, Marissa Cushing, Juanita A. Draime, Bao-Ngoc Ho, Jordan Nicholls, Bethany Sibbitt, Rebecca Widder, Rebecca J. Gryka, and Denise S. Simpson
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Pulse Oximetry Testing for Screening for Congenital Heart Defects in Newborns: A Literature Review of the Effectiveness and Accuracy, Amanda Custer and Bethany Teixeira
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Neonate Abstinence Syndrome and Therapeutic Interventions, Erica Danner
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Effectiveness of Lactated Ringers Solution Versus Normal Saline, Danis Davis and Sara Kochanowski
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Literature Review of Outcomes Related to Delayed and Spontaneous Pushing in Women During the Second Stage of Labor, Lydia Douglas, Katherine Drake, and Sarah Schmidt
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Methods of Screening to Detect Postpartum Depression, Anna Elliot and Shelby Young
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Nutritional Interventions for IBS Patients, Kaitlin Fain and April Locher
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Effects of Physical Stress and Maturational Changes on Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis Function Through Cortisol Analysis, Amy Granger, Allison Henry, Lauren Lilliencrantz, Amanda Smith, Paul Srnis, William Van Schepen, and Elisha R. Injeti
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Evidence Based Adolescent Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Susan Henley, Abby Jane Toburen, and Lauren Howsden
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
An Integrative Review of Out-Patient Teaching for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Elizabeth Hicks, Melissa Hogan, and Kendra Parker
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Techniques in Neonates, Emily Hudson, Ricky Voetberg, and Stephanie Swanson
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
The Therapeutical Benefits of Using Music Therapy Rather Than Cognitive Therapy in Depressed Older Adults in a Healthcare Setting, Brittnie Jarrett and Elizabeth Hansel
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Preventing Perineal Trauma During Labor, Kaela Johnson and Claire VanderHart
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Sleep Disturbances in Mental Health Care: A Review of Literature on Nursing Interventions, Sarah Jungbauer and Kara Taylor
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Umbilical Cord Care: Cord Detachment and Prevention of Infection, Tania Lacombe, Mary Miller, and Grace Ziegler
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Adherence to Clean Intermittent Catheterization Treatment in Pediatric Patients: A Comprehensive Review of Literature, Amanda Miller and Ashley Thompson
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Efficacy of Smartphone Technology on Improving Asthma Control and Compliance, Dustin Nelson, Lauren Macks, Gregory Paine, Forouzan Poursoltan, Tirhas Mekonnen, and Melody L. Hartzler
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Prevention of Postpartum Depression Related to Mode of Birth Delivery, Ashley Palumbo and Andrea VanMeter
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Prevention of Infection in Pin Sites, Sarah Pelletier, Audrey Stearns, and Victoria Smith
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Review of Non-Invasive and Non-Pharmacological Interventions for the Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Marcia Pinkerton and Chelsea Powell
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Kangaroo Mother Care for Premature and Low Birthweight Infants, Emma Rahn and Bethany Hotchkiss
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Education Interventions to Prevent Readmission of Heart Failure Patients, Emily Reed and Rebecca Schnepp
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
A Review Comparing the Most Beneficial Regimens of Cleansing an Umbilical Cord before Detachment, Caitlyn Seegers, Mary Burkholder, and Ellen Moore
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in the At-Risk Patient, Marissa Simpson, Carly Hartman, and Nikki Siefert
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Instillation of Normal Saline in Endotracheal Suctioning, Natalie Spears, Natlie Cook, and Krystal Garcia
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Health Maintenance Regarding Carbohydrate Counting and Calorie Restricted Diets in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients, Chelsea Stoltzfus, Katie Siegle, and Lauren Trainer
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Review of Pain Control Methods After an Episiotomy, Abigail L. Tomlinson and Sarah J. Firmin
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Ashley Warner and Becky Dennis
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session
Skin-to-skin Care Related to Thermoregulation, Becky Wunderlich and Hannah Elwell
Pharmacy and Nursing Student Research and Evidence-Based Medicine Poster Session