Type of Submission

Podium Presentation


Elder abuse, European Union, Greece, Germany


The rapid rise in persons over age 60 has created a platform for the rise of elder abuse all over the world. Increasing strains on caregivers and the realization that elder abuse is a serious issue have only recently produced research on the topic. In light of this, this presentation evaluates the state of the aging population in the European Union where more research has been done on elder abuse than in other areas of the world. This presentation focuses specifically on elder abuse in Germany and in Greece, as these countries represent the cultural and geographical extremes in Europe today. First, the presentation evaluates the risk factors and forms that elder abuse is taking today in the European Union. The presentation then describes the state of elder abuse in both Germany and Greece, taking into consideration demographics, culture, and current responses. Finally, this presentation evaluates possible steps to implement for effective change in the area of elder abuse.

Campus Venue

Stevens Student Center, Room 245


Cedarville, OH

Start Date

4-11-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

4-11-2018 3:00 PM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 11th, 2:00 PM Apr 11th, 3:00 PM

Elder Abuse in the European Union

Cedarville, OH

The rapid rise in persons over age 60 has created a platform for the rise of elder abuse all over the world. Increasing strains on caregivers and the realization that elder abuse is a serious issue have only recently produced research on the topic. In light of this, this presentation evaluates the state of the aging population in the European Union where more research has been done on elder abuse than in other areas of the world. This presentation focuses specifically on elder abuse in Germany and in Greece, as these countries represent the cultural and geographical extremes in Europe today. First, the presentation evaluates the risk factors and forms that elder abuse is taking today in the European Union. The presentation then describes the state of elder abuse in both Germany and Greece, taking into consideration demographics, culture, and current responses. Finally, this presentation evaluates possible steps to implement for effective change in the area of elder abuse.


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