Re-ligamentation: Reconnection Through Quilting

Catelyn Mailloux, Cedarville University


The quilts in the series Re-ligament find their inspiration in the Latin root word of religion, ‘re-ligio’, signifying a process of re-ligamentation. In the physical body, ligaments are the fibrous tissue that connects cartilage to bone and allows joints to move. Religion, then, implies a reconnection.

The series Re-ligament is comprised of large and small quilts utilizing techniques of traditional and improvisational patchwork, appliqué, and embroidery. The genesis of this series can be traced back to months after the birth of my first child. Their compositions, imagery, and abstractions were influenced by the summer days I spent with my son, seeking a sense of connection with God amidst the transformative and challenging experience of being a new mother.

Layered in a manner reminiscent of drawings, these quilts continue an ongoing investigation within my artistic practice, delving into the logic and luminosity of stained-glass windows. However, they evolve further, transitioning into collages that weave in quiet vignettes of domestic life—the shapes of windows, shadows cast onto walls, and light filtering through trees during neighborhood walks. The quilts themselves mirror my search for a connection with the divine, formally employing the color black as a connector, in outlines, shapes, and overlays meant to mimic the line work of the lead between pieces of stained glass. Engaging in a dynamic interplay between organic shapes and repetitive geometry, the quilts in the series expand traditional patchwork to create dense, layered collages.


Re-ligamentation: Reconnection Through Quilting

The quilts in the series Re-ligament find their inspiration in the Latin root word of religion, ‘re-ligio’, signifying a process of re-ligamentation. In the physical body, ligaments are the fibrous tissue that connects cartilage to bone and allows joints to move. Religion, then, implies a reconnection.

The series Re-ligament is comprised of large and small quilts utilizing techniques of traditional and improvisational patchwork, appliqué, and embroidery. The genesis of this series can be traced back to months after the birth of my first child. Their compositions, imagery, and abstractions were influenced by the summer days I spent with my son, seeking a sense of connection with God amidst the transformative and challenging experience of being a new mother.

Layered in a manner reminiscent of drawings, these quilts continue an ongoing investigation within my artistic practice, delving into the logic and luminosity of stained-glass windows. However, they evolve further, transitioning into collages that weave in quiet vignettes of domestic life—the shapes of windows, shadows cast onto walls, and light filtering through trees during neighborhood walks. The quilts themselves mirror my search for a connection with the divine, formally employing the color black as a connector, in outlines, shapes, and overlays meant to mimic the line work of the lead between pieces of stained glass. Engaging in a dynamic interplay between organic shapes and repetitive geometry, the quilts in the series expand traditional patchwork to create dense, layered collages.