Residence Hall
Job Position
Professor of Bible and Greek

Creation Date
Winter 2024
After serving as a pastor in several churches, George Lawlor came to Cedarville College in 1959, having earned his Th.D. degree from Grace Theological Seminary. Dr. Lawlor has been described as a man who held single-mindedly to the principle of “Preach the Word” because of his meticulous study of the Scriptures in their original languages and his constant desire to proclaim the Word of Truth with utmost care, whether in the pulpit, the classroom, or his publications. Dr. Lawlor inspired his students by admonition and by example to be eager students of an inspired Word of God. He was named Faculty Member of the Year in 1970 and an Honorary Alumnus of the college in 1975. The George L. Lawlor Greek Award is given in his memory each year to a student with the highest average in elementary and intermediate Greek over four semesters. Lawlor Hall was named in his honor in 1977.
Source: Barbara Loach, Cedarville University: Defining Legacies