

North South University

About the Author(s)

Professor Swazo has a PhD in philosophy from The University of Georgia (Athens, GA, USA). He specialises in ethics in international affairs, biomedical ethics, and recent European philosophy, and publishes on topics in comparative philosophy and religion.


Involuntary active euthanasia, non-voluntary active euthanasia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Bangladesh


Government authorities in Bangladesh recently were placed in an awkward and extraordinary position of having to make a presumably difficult decision: how to respond to a man’s request to have his two sons and grandson euthanized. This is an extraordinary request for a developing country’s health service authorities to consider, especially in the context of a Muslim-majority population where any appeal to the legitimacy of suicide (and, by extension, physician-assisted suicide) would be automatically rejected as contrary to Islamic moral and jurisprudential principles. Here the case is reviewed in the context of arguments that engage non-voluntary euthanasia and the local context of inadequate health service delivery.

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