Cedarville University Buildings and Facilities Image Galleries | Cedarville University Research | CedarCommons

Cedarville University Buildings and Facilities Image Galleries

This is a collection of images relating to the various buildings and facilities at Cedarville University. Please also visit our Cedarville University Buildings and Facilities Media Collection.

For a complete and printable list of Cedarville University buildings and facilities, visit the associated archive guide.


Browse the Cedarville University Buildings and Facilities Image Galleries Collections:

Aerial Photographs

Alford Auditorium

Ambassador Hall

Apple Technology Resource Center

Callan Athletic Center

Carnegie Center for the Visual Arts

Centennial Library

Collins Hall

Dixon Ministry Center Image Gallery

Engineering and Science Center

Founders Hall

Graduate and Teaching Services

Hartman Hall

Health Sciences Center

History and Government Center

Library (1967-1987)

Milner Business Administration Building

Miscellaneous Building Photographs


Patterson Hall

Stevens Student Center

Tyler Digital Communications Center

Williams Hall