"Dyslexia" by Margaret Grigorenko

Education Faculty Publications

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White Paper

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Dyslexia describes a difficulty in learning to read, write and/or spell. The term comes from the Greek word ‘dys-‘ which means difficulty with and ‘-lexia’ which means words or language. Dyslexia is an umbrella term that refers to a range of disorders which may be mild to severe, rather than a specific, narrowly defined problem. Dyslexia affects a person’s ability to process information that is presented in written language. It may affect the way a person receives, remembers, retrieves or structures information as well as the speed at which they process the information. Dyslexia, therefore, impacts reading, writing, spelling, and using symbols (which may impact math). Dyslexia also may overlap with other disorders such as dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, and/or dysphasia.


Dyslexia, language development, linguistic development

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