"An Analysis of Technology Integration Within a Play-Based Learning Env" by Dana M. Anderkin

Master of Education Research Theses

Date of Successful Defense


Date Degree Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M.Ed.)




Thomas L. Sweigard, Ph. D.

Second Advisor

Eddie K. Baumann, Ph. D.

Third Advisor

Stephen S. Gruber, Ph. D.


Preschool, play-based learning, technology, early learning, technology in the classroom


The purpose of this study was to research this question, “Is technology use appropriate for preschool instruction within a play-based pedagogy and philosophy of education?” The definition of the play-based preschool learning environment is provided, the technology debate outlined, along with a qualitative research study, illustrating the opinions and beliefs regarding technology use of teachers within a play- based learning environment. This study relates research findings to the literature review and suggests that technology use within a play-based learning environment is possible when technology is used appropriately and with balance, to enhance and extend the curriculum. A balanced approach to technology use requires active and intentional use alongside careful planning on the part of the teacher. The methods, instrumentation, and procedures used are described. The results provide a complete summary of the views and opinions of the population studied and suggestions for effective implementation. The analysis section of the research presented provides summaries of the sample population used and provides perspective on technology use within a Christian worldview and from a biblical standpoint.

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