Master of Education Research Theses

Date of Successful Defense


Date Degree Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Margaret Grigorenko, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Eddie Baumann, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Brenda MacKay, Ed.D.


Plagiarism, perceptions, teachers, China, international, high school


This paper explores perceptions of plagiarism among the diverse faculty in international high schools and divisions in China’s first-tier cities. In survey and interviews, participants reflected previous research in their punitive attitudes and identified obvious expressions but lacked consensus on subtler forms, suggesting institutions should develop precise policies that are reevaluated and revised annually to mitigate the effects of high faculty turnover. A discrepancy was noted between low frequency of offenses reported and more than half of participants believing plagiarism was a “big issue” in their institutions. The oft-implemented parental contact as a punishment was seen as ineffective and thus should be replaced by GPA-related ones. Participants indicated they spent more time teaching about the nature of plagiarism rather than how to avoid it; this suggests teachers should reformulate the balance of knowledge and skills taught, supplementing knowledge with practical instruction on research skills, responsible Internet use, and time management.

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