"An Analysis and Synthesis of Research on Classroom Peer Tutoring Metho" by Shelley R. Grimm

Master of Education Research Theses

Date of Successful Defense


Date Degree Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M.Ed.)




Stephen S. Gruber, Ed.D.


Peer tutoring, math, intermediate level


What are the benefits of peer tutoring? What do productive peer tutoring sessions include? This study occurred in fourth and fifth grade classrooms at a private school in a rural community. The researcher conducted an experiment to determine if students benefited from the opportunity to have their fellow students tutor them and elaborate on their method of problems solving during math class. In light of the inconsistent results, the author believes no assumptions can be made based on the data from this research. The fourth grade results showed definite progress according to the standardized test, but there was some inconsistency in the achievement shown in the classroom tests. The fifth grade results did not show a significant growth from fourth to fifth grade on the math portion of the achievement test. There is also inconsistency in the significance of the growth in learning shown in the fifth grade classroom tests. However, the researcher hopes this study will encourage further exploration in the study of beneficial peer tutoring methods.



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