"A Comparison of the Effects of Isotonic and Isokinetic Exercises on Le" by John A. McGillivray

Allied Health Faculty Publications

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PROBLEM. The author has been interested in improving the jumping ability of the students and athletes with whom he has worked. Current literature reflects conflicting viewpoints concerning isokinetic training as a superior method to isotonic training for power development. It was the purpose of this study to determine if there is a difference between the effects of isotonic and isokinetic exercises on the leg power of men and women.

PROCEDURE. Thirty-three Cedarville College students participated three days per week for five weeks in a training program for the cevelopment of leg power. The subjects were given the Vertical Power Jump test to assess their jumping abilities prior to training. On the bases of the pre-test scores and sex the subjects were divided into four groups . One group of men and one group of women trained on a Universal Gym leg press station. The other two groups trained on a Super Mini-Gym isokinetic device. Both groups did three sets of eight repetitions each training session. After the five-week training period the subjects were given the Vertical Power Jump test to determine the amount of change in leg power.

FINDINGS. There were no significant differences in the amounts of change of the four groups. Gains in leg power were made by all of the groups. The biggest gain was made by the women's isotonic group and the least gain was made by the women's isokinetic group.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Isotonic and isokinetic exercises both caused improvement in the leg power of men and women over a five-week training period. There was no significant difference between the types of training used. The author recommends that a similar study be done with more subjects. He also suggests that a study be done comparing different types of isokinetic training programs with the number of repetitions, number of sets, frequency of training, and speed of the device as possible variables.


Isotonic, isokinetic, leg power


Thesis submitted to the School of Education of the University of Dayton in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Education

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