School of Allied Health and Psychology

School of Allied Health and Psychology


Dean: Dr. Michael Weller

Cedarville’s approach to allied health and psychology is founded on the belief that every individual is created by God in His image — but is separated from Him because of sin and in need of a Savior. As you’re taught to bring physical or mental healing to a patient, you’ll recognize that the greatest help you can offer is salvation through Jesus Christ. You’ll discover how caring well for our bodies is an act of stewardship and worship to the One who created us.


Browse the School of Allied Health and Psychology Collections:

Allied Health Contributions to the Popular Press

Allied Health Faculty Books

Allied Health Faculty Dissertations

Allied Health Faculty Grants

Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Allied Health Faculty Publications

Allied Health Senior Research Projects

Allied Health Student Presentations

Allied Health Student Publications

Department of Psychology

Exercise Science Senior Research Projects

Physician Assistant White Coat Ceremonies