Cedarville University is chartered by the State of Ohio and certified by the Ohio Board of Regents. The University is regionally accredited through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Additionally, several departments and programs within the University hold program-specific accreditations, certificates, and licensures insuring our graduates the full benefit of approved and professionally recognized degree programs. See our Accreditation, Recognition, and Licensure page for specific associations.
This is a restricted collection. Questions about the collection should be addressed to the Digital Commons Director.
Appendices to the Self-Study Report (Complete), Cedarville University
Appendix A (Introduction), Cedarville University
Appendix B (Chapter One - Criterion One), Cedarville University
Appendix C (Chapter Two - Criterion Two), Cedarville University
Appendix D (Chapter Three - Criterion Three), Cedarville University
Appendix E (Chapter Four - Criterion Four), Cedarville University
Appendix F (Chapter Five - Criterion Five), Cedarville University
Appendix G (Chapter Seven - Graduate Programs), Cedarville University
Final Report Cover Letter to President Brown, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle, Volume 1, Issue 1, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle: Volume 1, Issue 2, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle: Volume 1, Issue 3, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle, Volume 2, Issue 1, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle, Volume 2, Issue 2, Cedarville University
Accreditation Chronicle, Volume 3, Issue 1, Cedarville University
Faculty/Staff Presentation: Cedarville University Accreditation Self-Study Plan, Cedarville University
Advancement Section of the Final Report, Cedarville University
Assurance Section of the Final Report, Cedarville University
Final Report Team Recommendations, Cedarville University
Self-Study Report, Cedarville University
Self-Study Timeline, Cedarville University