Making Sense of Your Faith
William E. Brown
This book was written with two types of people in mind. First, I've written a book for Christians who would like to know more about what they believe and why. The desired result is that they will be able to describe and defend their faith with a greater sense of confidence. Second, I've written a book for non Christians who may want more information about what Christians believe. They may even wonder if personal faith is a valid option in today's world of "technological certainty." Hopefully they will find that the Christian faith not only makes sense, but it is a compelling explanation of life and the world.
Where Have All the Dreamers Gone: Observations from a Biblical Worldview
William E. Brown
Brown laments the shallowness of American culture and encourages Christians to reclaim their role.
Making Sense of Your World: A Biblical Worldview
William E. Brown, W. Gary Phillips, and John Stonestreet
Making Sense of Your World offers a basic, accessible introduction to biblical worldview that covers all aspects of world-view thinking. Part One compares the basic worldviews, Part Two contrasts (and seeks to defend) the biblical worldview with the others, and Part Three constructs a biblical worldview in four key areas. This book is an overview; the Christian thinker is invited to continue his or her study through the recommended readings at the end of each chapter an ongoing task Paul labels the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
Choosing Your Career: The Christian's Decision Manual
Martin E. Clark
High school and college students will find some good answers in this practical guide to career choices. The author combines innovative concepts and exercises with relevant Scriptural principles on knowing God's will. Pastors, youth leaders, and counselors will find finger-tip accessibility to help in answering the recurring question many young people ask, "How can I discover which job is best for me?"
The Bible Has the Answer
Martin E. Clark and Henry M. Morris
How do we know the Bible is true? Why did God create the universe? How will we spend eternity?
Neglecting and rejecting God?s Word has its consequences: abortion, AIDS, troubled relationships, crime, immorality, personal freedoms ? the Bible is vital in solving (and preventing) the very real problems facing people today. Will all men eventually be saved? How can I know God?s will? Is a Christian supposed to obey the government? Why did God create Satan? Is the end of the world near?
There are many questions today that demand answers in our daily lives; we can?t avoid them. After reading this book, you?ll clearly see answers to questions such as these, and others that affect our Christian walk.
Proclaiming Jesus: Essays on the Centrality of Christ in the Church in Honor of Joseph M. Stowell
Thomas Cornman
Joseph M. Stowell was president of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago from 1987 to 2005, before returning to the pastorate. His life’s message is to preach the centrality of Christ in the Church.
Upon This Rock: A Baptist Understanding of the Church
Jason G. Duesing, Thomas White, and Malcolm B. Yarnell
This book arose from the fourth consecutive Baptist Distinctives Conference held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, during September 2008. Dr. White contributed two chapters: "The Universal and Local Church" and "The Offices and Women: Can Women Be Pastors? Or Deacons?" (co-written with his wife, Joy).
Calling Out the Called
Paige Patterson, Thomas White, and L. R. Scarborough
Calling Out the Called is designed to assist those who are called to Christian service choose a place for equipping and preparation. It is also useful for pastors to give as a resource to the God-called men and women they are mentoring.
10 Leadership Maneuvers: A General's Guide to Serving and Leading
Loren M. Reno
The best leadership skills are Bible-based, and they work.
Three-star general Loren Reno practiced leadership at the highest levels in the US military. In 10 Leadership Maneuvers, Reno shares the skills that brought him success in small and large organizations, at junior and senior positions, in times of prosperity, and in times of challenge. In this personal and highly practical resource, Reno uses stories from his experience as a leader to illustrate the 10 maneuvers successful leaders use. More than a checklist or menu, these invaluable skills are useful for the aspiring leader and for those who want to elevate their leadership game. Readers will come away positioned to develop a leadership model that will help them do and think about the right things at the right times. Other key take-aways: Servants become the best leaders, and they keep serving after ascending to bigger jobs. Seeking to serve is different than just serving. Successful leaders hold themselves and others accountable.
10 Leadership Maneuvers is anchored in Scripture, and filled with the insights, principles, and never-before-heard stories of success, failure, humor, and regret of a master storyteller with exceptional leadership credentials.
Selected Writings of James Madison Pendleton
Thomas White
James Madison Pendleton, Amos Cooper Dayton, and James Robinson Graves were known as "The Great Triumvirate" of the Landmark movement. His "An Old Landmark Reset" is considered a foundational document of this movement within the Southern Baptist Convention. (3 volume set)
First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty
Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell
First Freedom is an important gathering of messages from a recent conference on religious liberty held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Editor Jason B. Duesing explains:
"The purpose of this collection is, first, to provide an introductory look into the biblical and historical foundations of religious liberty combined with several instances of contemporary expression and defense for the purpose of instruction, edification, and encouragement to all who take the time to read this volume. Second, however, we wish to remind Baptists in the twenty-first century of the price that was paid by their forefathers for the establishment and defense of religious liberty. To be sure, there were people of various religious and denominational preferences that providence used to implement the religious freedoms now enjoyed by all, but for Baptists to overlook the contribution of their own would be a travesty."
Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches
Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell
A compilation of articles seeking to answer the question, "How does the local church - which is often influenced by a consumer-driven, numbers-oriented society - restore integrity and establish purpose?" The articles written by Dr. White are the introduction, "What Makes Baptism Valid?", and "A Baptist's Theology of the Lord's Supper".
Franchising McChurch: Feeding Our Obsession with Easy Christianity
Thomas White and John M. Yeats
This book takes an honest look at the rise of consumer-minded ministeries. The authors tackle a spiritual shift that is raising provocative issues such as: the blurry line between entertainment and evangelsim; a marketing approach to ministry; the warped yardstick for measuring church success; and feel-good messages that avoid tough truths.
Did it Really Happen?: Apologetics and Biblical Interpretation According to Carl F. H. Henry
Jon Wood
The Bible makes remarkable claims about people and events in world history. Creation, Adam and Eve, Israel’s escape from Egypt, the rise and fall of Israel’s kingdom, the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, the growth of the church—all points of interest by scholars for the historical veracity of the Scriptures. Yet, the Bible does not appear to present the acts of God in history for the purpose of vindicating historical accuracy of the text. The Bible is a story that reveals the living God through inspired writings that communicate the meaning of historical events. In light of the Bible as the revelation of God, and the high stakes of historical veracity for the claims of the Bible, how should Christians approach the interpretation of the Scriptures in a faithful way?
Carl F. H. Henry offers guidance as a foremost theologian regarding God, revelation, and the Scriptures. In Did it Really Happen? Jonathan Wood engages the thought of Carl Henry in dialogue with the major alternatives to revelation, history, and the biblical text. The value of Carl Henry’s approach is shown to provide a path forward for affirming the historicity of the Bible while interpreting the text well.