Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 1999

What You Seek Is Nowhere, the Vision Only Shadow: Narcissistic Reflection in Sam Beckett and Spalding Gray, Diane C. Merchant

Presentations from 1998

Recommendations for Curricular Revision in the Secondary Theatre Education Model, Diane C. Merchant

Selection of Technology for Distance Learning, Daniel M. Sternsher

Presentations from 1997

Dramaturgy, Diane C. Merchant

Recommended Format for Student-Written Discussion and Resource Guides, Diane C. Merchant

Theatre Games and Improvisations in the Cross-Cultural Curriculum: The Voices of Diversity Course, Diane C. Merchant

Presentations from 1996

In the Doghouse Anthology, James D. Mellick

Developing a Model for Multi-Cultural Exchange for Theatre Across the Curriculum, Diane C. Merchant

Mirror, Reflection, Gaze:It's a Slippery Slope, Diane C. Merchant

Presentations from 1995

Curator's Lecture, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture at the Delaware Arts Castle, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture for Ohio Quilters, James D. Mellick

Narcissus in Immortal Beloved and Daughter Rite: Reflections of Other Selves, Diane C. Merchant

Seeing Is Believing: Narcissism in the Monologues of Spalding Gray, Diane C. Merchant

Presentations from 1994

Guest Lecture at Indiana State University, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture for NBBJ Architects, James D. Mellick

Gazing into the Pool: Narcissism in Harold Pinter's Betrayal, Diane C. Merchant

Presentations from 1993

Curator's Lecture: Surface and Substance, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture at Ohio Northern University, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture for Nickleby's Bookstore and the Wile-Kovach Gallery, James D. Mellick

Survival and Triumph of the Artist Outside of Academe, James D. Mellick

The Role of Craftsmanship, Humor and Symbolism in Sculpture, James D. Mellick

Strategies for Teaching Speech and Drama to Middle School Students, Dawn A. Schluetz

Presentations from 1992

Guest Lecture at Wabash College, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1991

Guest Lecture at the Herrick Memorial Library, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1989

Guest Lecture at Calvin College, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture at Spring Arbor University, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1988

Guest Lecture at Houghton College, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1987

Conference Presentation, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture at the Huntington Galleries, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture for the Licking County Art Association, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1985

Guest Lecture at Spring Arbor College, James D. Mellick

Guest Lecture for the Worthington Art League, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1983

Coffee and Conversation, James D. Mellick

Presentations from 1980

Visual Arts Address, James D. Mellick