Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Publications

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Journal Title

The Journal of Global Christianity





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Contextualization is fundamentally the process of communicating the unchanging message of the Gospel within the changing contexts of the world. Until Christ returns, contextualization will always be an aspect of the missionary task. One contemporary approach to contextualization, the Insider Movement, has risen to the fore of missiological discussion due to its controversial embrace of existing religious forms and identities as potential conduits of biblical truth. Insider Movement advocates working among Muslims teach that one can remain identified socio-religiously as a Muslim while still faithfully following Jesus as savior. While the past two decades have played host to multiple layers of discussion surrounding Insider Movements, this essay investigates an under-discussed element of Insider Movement methodology among Muslims: Ecclesiology. This paper analyzes four key biblical texts pertinent to ecclesiology as a rubric for determining whether Insider Movement strategies among Muslims are likely to produce biblically faithful churches.



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