Cedarville University
ivf, in vitro fertilization, pgd, preimplantation, genetic, CRISPR, sperm donor, egg donor, surrogacy, reproductive, fertility, infertility, embryo, ethics, art, assisted reproductive technology, conception
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has promised hope to many couples struggling with the pain of infertility. However, as with any new medical technology, the ethical implications of this procedure must be examined, particularly in light of recent events such as the birth of the first genetically modified human beings, made possible by IVF. It is crucial to examine oppositions to IVF based on principle, as well as address concerns related to adjacent issues such as the discard of unused embryos; the selection, payment, privacy, and parental rights of donors and surrogates; the importance of genetic parenthood; new combinations of gametes; preimplantation genetic diagnosis and selective implantation; and economic incentives. Short-term justifications shape long-term values, and so we must carefully consider the implications of IVF, even as we maintain compassion and grace toward couples dealing with the difficult realities of infertility.
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Beers, Breanna
"The Ethics of IVF,"
Bioethics in Faith and Practice: Vol. 4:
1, Article 3.
DOI: 10.15385/jbfp.2019.4.1.3
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