Ethics, abortion, virtue ethics
Singer suggests that the argument of abortion has missed the point. He asserts that the debate should focus on if it is wrong to kill an innocent human being instead of arguing whether a fetus is or is not an innocent human being. The Pro-Choice arguments of when personhood begins are vague and, therefore, cannot provide a concrete moment of when personhood starts. Since reason can only go so far in its ability to determine ethics, this paper will explain that Singer also misses the point; rather, striving to be virtuous demonstrates that abortion is morally wrong.
Recommended Citation
Countryman, Jacob
"Virtue Ethics and Abortion,"
CedarEthics: A Journal of Critical Thinking in Bioethics: Vol. 14:
1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.15385/jce.2014.14.1.1
Available at:
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