Cedarville Stories Podcasts


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From Graduation to Google: Building Through Technology and Testimony

From the land of Legos to the world of cutting-edge technology, Josh Thomas, a recent graduate of Cedarville University, has always possessed a keen interest in the art of building. This inherent trait led him to begin a career as a software engineer with Google.

Josh’s journey into the realm of technology began at a young age, when he started constructing robots out of Legos and implementing computer-operated electronics to bring them to life. Even in the sixth grade, Josh recognized that his passion for engineering was a gift from God.

During his time at Cedarville University, Josh received guidance and mentorship from professors who instilled in him the importance of maintaining high standards and adopting a humble, lifelong learning mindset. These invaluable qualities equipped him for prestigious summer internships with both Amazon and Google.

Through his experiences during these internships, he discovered not only his ability to create advanced technological tools for data extraction and innovative applications for smartphones but also his unique position to foster meaningful relationships for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.

As he joins the staff at Google’s headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he will collaborate with leading scientists and technicians, Josh is steadfast in his belief that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. He aims to build bridges with individuals who may harbor doubts about faith and Christianity, using his own life as a testament to their compatibility.

To delve deeper into Josh’s inspiring journey, his groundbreaking technological endeavors, and his aspirations for establishing impactful relationships, tune in to the Cedarville Stories Podcast.

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Audio Recording

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Mark Weinstein

Class Year


School or Department

Engineering and Computer Science


Cedarville, stories, podcast, alumni


Cedarville University


Communication | Organizational Communication | Public Relations and Advertising
