Cedarville Magazine
Cedarville Magazine combines the best of our previous Torch and Inspire publications into a single University magazine. This publication highlights the influence of the Cedarville family and distinctive elements of a Cedarville education, while providing a resource to help readers think through today’s critical issues and live out a biblical worldview.
Cedarville Magazine, Summer 2014: Biblical Leadership
Cedarville University
There are roughly as many definitions of leadership as there are books, seminars, TED Talks, and blogs. While these resources can inspire and shape best practices, the bedrock foundation for leadership is Scripture. Jesus taught — and lived — that “whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Mark 10:43). The Omnipotent Creator turned the world’s top-down power structure on its head and “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant” (Phil. 2:6–7). His ultimate act of service to humankind was taking our sin upon Himself, exchanging His life for our eternal life through His death and resurrection. “Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:9–11). “Equipping students for lifelong leadership and service” is at the core of Cedarville’s educational mission. This issue of Cedarville Magazine presents pictures of leadership as we seek to follow Christ’s example of leading by serving others.
Cedarville Magazine, Spring 2014: Excellence with a Gospel Purpose
Cedarville University
Cedarville University boldly stands “For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.” These words, etched on its seal, reflect the core of Cedarville’s mission. In 1936, President W.R. McChesney urged graduates to “enlarge the power of Cedarville College for the service of fellowmen and the glory of God.” In 1966, President James T. Jeremiah urged students to “give ourselves to the Lord and accomplish the utmost for Him as we serve.” A generation of alumni recall President Paul Dixon’s familiar declaration that everything a Christian does for the Lord should have “quality stamped all over it.” And President Bill Brown championed a Christ-centered education “marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.”
With deep respect for Cedarville’s heritage and conviction for its future, President Thomas White is calling a new generation of students to excellence with a Gospel purpose. This special edition ofCedarville Magazine outlines the University’s distinctive approach to Christian higher education. We present both how and why Cedarville’s mission will remain unchanged for years to come.
Cedarville Magazine, Fall 2013: A Light in the Pharmacy
Cedarville University
In recent years, we’ve seen the health care industry become an expansive force in American culture, politics, and the economy. It has grown more specialized at a time when we, as patients, are increasingly responsible to navigate its complexity on our own. Sometimes help can be found in surprising places.
Pharmacy, as a profession, is responding to the needs and opportunities created by the new health care landscape. Your “friendly neighborhood pharmacist” does much more than stand behind a counter and fill your prescriptions. Pharmacists are taking more active roles in research, medication management, preventive care, education, ethics … and ministry!
This issue of Cedarville Magazine features several faculty members from Cedarville’s School of Pharmacy. Their perspectives help us see the range of health care expertise a trusted pharmacist can provide and how their field is uniquely positioned to share Christ with all who seek healing.