
Publication Date



Creative Writing | Nonfiction

Type of Work



"On Scars" is a personal essay written about the varying perspectives of scars and my personal fascination with them. I was inspired by my own body's scars and how people typically react to seeing them. I want readers to develop a deeper understanding about scars as a bodily phenomenon as well as an emotional representation beyond the stereotypes impressed by Western culture.

Contributor's Note

My name is Kari Morris, I'm 19 years old and I grew up in Seville, Ohio. I'm currently studying Psychology at Cedarville University and I'm hoping to pursue a career in professional counseling and creative writing. As a freshman in high school, I took my first writing course. I was bitten with the writing bug and I've been hooked ever since. I love expressing the controversial and calling out the elephant in the room through creative nonfiction. In my spare time, I like to play volleyball, lose myself in a good book, analyze movies, and overcome the inevitable list of three.


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Nonfiction Commons



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