Presenter Information

Bruce V. RydbeckFollow

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Engineers possess unique opportunities to impact social needs in the developing world while also communicating their faith and providing testimony to the positive holistic nature of the gospel message. Developing countries desire the dynamics which propelled development in Western countries centuries ago. These unfulfilled desires for advancement are symptomatic of a greater need for the Kingdom of God and provide an open door to express a Biblical perspective of work, science, technology, and development in a way that leads others to faith in Jesus Christ.

Civil engineering offers the opportunity to tangibly express biblical theology while responding to strong felt needs in a practical way with a level of excellence that captures the attention of our audience and underlines verbal proclamation of God’s Word. In Genesis,[i] the Lord sends us, mankind, to unleash the earth’s potential to provide for human needs and to care for the earth. Engineers need to be aware of the theological foundations of their profession to strategically use their skills as an expression of the Gospel message, whether practicing their profession locally or internationally. Engineering designs, reports, and projects that provide for important basic human needs express the compassion of Jesus Christ and the values of Scripture that lead to a more prosperous ethical society which glorifies our Maker. Each project offers opportunity to demonstrate the depth and comprehensive nature of the good news, the Kingdom of God fleshed out in practical ways.

[i] Genesis 2:15.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.



Engineering Opportunities in International Development Ministry

Engineers possess unique opportunities to impact social needs in the developing world while also communicating their faith and providing testimony to the positive holistic nature of the gospel message. Developing countries desire the dynamics which propelled development in Western countries centuries ago. These unfulfilled desires for advancement are symptomatic of a greater need for the Kingdom of God and provide an open door to express a Biblical perspective of work, science, technology, and development in a way that leads others to faith in Jesus Christ.

Civil engineering offers the opportunity to tangibly express biblical theology while responding to strong felt needs in a practical way with a level of excellence that captures the attention of our audience and underlines verbal proclamation of God’s Word. In Genesis,[i] the Lord sends us, mankind, to unleash the earth’s potential to provide for human needs and to care for the earth. Engineers need to be aware of the theological foundations of their profession to strategically use their skills as an expression of the Gospel message, whether practicing their profession locally or internationally. Engineering designs, reports, and projects that provide for important basic human needs express the compassion of Jesus Christ and the values of Scripture that lead to a more prosperous ethical society which glorifies our Maker. Each project offers opportunity to demonstrate the depth and comprehensive nature of the good news, the Kingdom of God fleshed out in practical ways.

[i] Genesis 2:15.


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