Creative Writing Minor Portfolios

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2015


Nate Spanos, Lord Dinosaur, Jesus Christ, poetry, non-fiction, fiction, portfolio, creative writing, Cedarville, undergraduate


“There is an Unformed World in the Sky of My Heart” contains works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. All the pieces were written after my conversion to Christ in December 2012 and before my graduation from Cedarville University in May 2015. Though my spiritually-themed poems are the pulse of this portfolio, the title refers to the fantasy world of Sembercron, which I am discovering and creating through my writing. The title also refers to heaven growing in my heart, or Christ’s image supplanting my own, or God sanctifying me for his purposes. This portfolio observes, explores, and delights in this sanctification.


Dr. Kevin Heath

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