Men's and Women's Cross Country Image Gallery (1980-1994)
This a collection of miscellaneous photographs of the men's and women's cross country teams through the 1993-1994 academic year. To view photographs of more recent teams, please visit the Men's Cross Country Archive and the Women's Cross Country Archive.
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Michelle Burson and Julianne Pletcher
Fall 1994 -
1993 Cross Country Team
Fall 1993 -
Michelle Burson
Fall 1993 -
Fall 1993 -
Krista Pritchard
Fall 1992 -
Krista Pritchard
Fall 1992 -
Peter Casaletta
Fall 1992 -
1991 Cross Country Team
Fall 1991 -
1991 Men's Cross Country Team
Fall 1991 -
1991 NCCAA Banner
Fall 1991 -
1991 Women's Cross Country Team
Fall 1991 -
Brenda Paulhamus
Fall 1991 -
Kevin Conkel
Fall 1991 -
Mindy Schwaderer
Fall 1991 -
Peter Casaletta
Fall 1991