"Evolving into Specialists: How One Writing Center Met the Needs of a R" by Julie L. Moore, Isaac J. Mayeux et al.

English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Evolving into Specialists: How One Writing Center Met the Needs of a Rigorous English Program

Document Type

Panel Presentation

Event Date



International Writing Centers Association Conference


Pittsburgh, PA


Our presentation will trace the ten-year evolution of the unique mentoring program for English majors at the Cedarville University Writing Center (CUWC). Two present tutors, the CUWC assistant director (also a CUWC alumnus), and the CUWC director will share how our English majors’ ever-increasing needs caused us to gravitate toward specialist tutoring. We will also share students’ evaluations of their mentors, discuss advantages and disadvantages of our program, and ask audience members to participate.


Writing Center, English, tutors, mentoring
