Submission Guidelines for English, Literature, and Modern Languages Student Publications

Who Can Submit

English, Literature, and Modern Languages Student Publications publishes work conducted under the auspices of the Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages at Cedarville University. Published works by the students of the Department may be submitted to this collection.


How to Submit a Paper

1. Make sure your paper is in an acceptable format. We can accept papers in Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF).

2. Write an abstract for your paper. It can be any length. Please also select keywords. These are words that will help a user locate your paper through a search.

3. Submit the paper by using the Submit Research link in the sidebar.

4. If the paper has been published previously, you must have permission from the original publisher for the actual document to be included in DigitalCommons@Cedarvillet, unless you have retained all copyright. Please attach a copy of the permission statement as supplemental content during the submission process.

5. If you do not have permission from the original publisher to include the actual document in the repository, you are encouraged to complete the submission form with data only and, if available, link to the publication on another website.

6. If you have any questions, contact the system administrator.

Overview of the Process

1. Submit the paper by using the Submit Research link in the sidebar.

2. After you submit your paper, we will create an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of it, if needed, and publish it on the site. You will be notified by e-mail when the paper is posted.

3. You will receive monthly readership reports from bepress (Berkeley Electronic Press).

How to Revise Your Paper

1. If you later publish this paper or a revised version elsewhere, for example in a journal, please send the citation of the new version to the system administrator.

2. If you would like to post a revised version of your paper on the site, please contact the system administrator.