This is a collection of paper-covered print publications in Special Collections at the Cedarville University Centennial Library. The collection encompasses a variety of materials, including booklets, pamphlets, leaflets, tracts, government documents, speeches, sermons, etc.

No Failure for the North

No Failure for the North

No Party Now but All for Our Country

No Party Now but All for Our Country

Our Country Before Party

Our Country Before Party

Rebel Conditions of Peace and The Mechanics of the South

Rebel Conditions of Peace and The Mechanics of the South

Separation: War Without End

Separation: War Without End

The Arguments of Secessionists

The Arguments of Secessionists

The First Duty of the Citizen; The Grandeur of the Struggle and Its Responsibilities; Southern Principles

The First Duty of the Citizen; The Grandeur of the Struggle and Its Responsibilities; Southern Principles

The Mistakes of the Rebellion

The Mistakes of the Rebellion

The Preservation of the Union: A National Economic Necessity

The Preservation of the Union: A National Economic Necessity

War Power of the President

War Power of the President

A Brief History of the Cruelties and Atrocities of the Rebellion

A Brief History of the Cruelties and Atrocities of the Rebellion

A Discourse in Commemoration of Colonel Frank Henry Peck

A Discourse in Commemoration of Colonel Frank Henry Peck