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Publisher's Note

Excerpt used by permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers.


Worldview as Worship contends that the approach taken by most evangelical educators to the issue of worldview transformation has neglected to address two fundamental components of worldviews. First, that our initial worldviews are not philosophical systems but rather faith dispositions and that worldview transformation cannot simply present the biblical worldview as a more rational or logical system, but must address issues of the heart as well as the mind. Second, unlike philosophies that are individual, worldviews are communal and are learned and transformed within the context of community practice. Appealing to Paul's teaching in Romans 12:1-2, Worldview as Worship approaches the "renewing of your mind" as the result of the believer's presentation of themselves as a "holy sacrifice . . . which is your spiritual service of worship."




Worldview, education, Christian education

Publication Date



Wipf & Stock


Eugene, OR



About the Author

Dr. Baumann teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in philosophy of education, educational psychology and biblical integration, as well as the graduate course Diversity and Social Issues in Education. He has been teaching at Cedarville since 1993. Prior to coming to Cedarville, he taught in both public and Christian school settings. He has also served as a visiting professor at Columbia International University in South Carolina. Dr. Baumann’s research interests include the relationship of a biblical worldview to education and biblical integration and pedagogy.

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Worldview as Worship: The Dynamics of a Transformative Christian Education

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Education Commons



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